Success cloning

For years in game development I see how some developers small and big are trying to repeat the success of popular games. I’ve tried to explore why it is difficult or sometimes impossible to repeat the success.

I’ve found that the difficulty in replicating the success of massive hit games like Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox lies in several key factors that are hard to duplicate:

  1. Innovative Gameplay: Each of these games introduced new or highly refined gameplay mechanics. Minecraft popularized sandbox-style creative gameplay, Fortnite brought in the battle royale mode with a unique building mechanic, and Roblox created a platform where players can create and play games made by others. Matching or surpassing this level of innovation is challenging.
  2. Timing and Market Conditions: These games were released at opportune times when their unique offerings were particularly appealing to gamers. For example, Minecraft tapped into a desire for a more open-ended gaming experience, while Fortnite capitalized on the growing popularity of both battle royale games and streaming culture. Identifying and capitalizing on such market conditions is unpredictable.
  3. Community and Ecosystem Development: All three games have fostered extensive communities and ecosystems. Minecraft has a robust modding community; Fortnite has events and collaborations with major brands and celebrities; Roblox offers an entire economy where developers can earn real money. Building such communities requires not just great game design, but also ongoing support and development to keep the community engaged.
  4. Viral Growth and Cultural Impact: Each game achieved a level of viral popularity that is rare and difficult to plan. Their impact extends beyond gaming into cultural phenomena, influencing music, movies, and more. Such widespread appeal can be elusive and is often a blend of the right game at the right time with the right audience.
  5. Scalability and Continuous Improvement: These games continuously evolve. Their developers regularly update them with new content, features, and improvements, helping sustain interest over many years. New developers often underestimate the resources and commitment required to maintain and grow a game post-launch.

Because of these factors, while many developers can aim to create a successful game, replicating the unprecedented scale of success seen in games like Minecraft, Fortnite, and Roblox involves a mix of innovation, timing, community engagement, and often, a bit of luck.

That’s why it is important to deeply understand how games work, how gaming evolve and change with time. Each team is unique and should look for its own path instead of blindly following successful teams.

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